Celemeta’s Partner GCAP Successfully Co-hosted “The Global Procurement and Trade Development Forum“

On September 4, 2022, the Global Procurement and Trade Development Forum was successfully held in Beijing.
The forum was co-hosted by the China United Nations Procurement Promotion Association (CAPUNP) and Global Covid Alliance Partners (GCAP)

Government and expert representatives from nearly 10 countries around the world will conduct high-end dialogues on topics such as “international public procurement, trade digitization process, post-epidemic smart medical care, and humanitarian aid projects”,
strive to promote global digital economic cooperation, build a community of digital destiny, and build a platform for sharing international public procurement resources with China’s supply chain and high-quality projects.

A GCAP delegation led by Lawrence Lee attended the online session of forum. Mr. Lee also delivered a keynote speech at the forum on GCAP’s beliefs on corporate social responsibility and ESG, GCAP’s “business for good” practice, and GCAP initiatives in the such areas as climate change, smart health and social equalities. Mr. Lee also showcased the future GCAPMeta, a Metaverse project developed on Celemeta platform. In 2023, GCAPMeta will host many humanitarian groups and philanthropists around the world. GCAP members from all four continents have attended the forum and witnessed the partnership signing ceremony between GCAP, ePro International and CAPUNP. Under this international strategic partnership, the three parties will collocate together to offer a state-of-art commodities procurement platform powered by digital technologies to tens thousands enterprises globally.

GCAP is an innovative social enterprise created by like-minded business and professional veterans who share same belief on building a better world together through technology and global collaboration Please visit https://www.gcapglobal.org for more details.